Is it too late to start in the fall term?
A lot of folks show up in the Student Services Building - Room 100, the home of UC Clermont's Enrollment Services Office, and ask, 'Is it too late to start in the fall at UC?' Or they ask, 'is it too late to get Financial Aid for the fall term?'
In both cases, the answer is 'no, it isn't too late', but now is the time to get it together. The autumn term starts on Wednesday, September 22 at UC.
The process of applying to UC, sending transcripts and completing the FAFSA = Financial Aid paperwork is described in detail in my last blog entry ... so go there to review the steps.
The length of time it takes to enroll, get accepted, complete the Financial Aid process, and sign up for classes can not be completed in a 'drive-thru' fashion, so don't expect it that way. It is typical that the completion of all steps will take a few weeks, and it could take longer. Why would it take longer? Sometimes transcripts from other schools take time to look up, especially if from more than 10 years ago ... they are likely on microfilm or in an off-site storage location. Close to 4 out of every 10 students that complete the FAFSA will be selected for 'verification'. That means you'll need to fill out a special 2-page form and bring your 1040 and W2 tax forms to UC Clermont so we can forward copies to UC's Financial Aid Office. It isn't until after this is completed that the student will be 'offered' Financial Aid for school. That means that 'aid' funds may not be available until after the school term begins, and we all know that would be a problem. Next, you will want to take classes (of course) ... but the classes and/or times you want may not be available if you haven't already started the process.
Enough of the pitfalls ... if you want to start this fall, then do everything you can to apply and complete the FAFSA before September 1 and we'll do everything we can to help you get classes and help with the Financial Aid process. Feeling too much pressure? Just start the process now and we can move your start time to the Winter Term that starts in January.
What are you waiting for? Apply now!
Labels: application, enrollment, fafsa