Clermont College Enrollment / Admissions BLOG

eSite of the University of Cincinnati Clermont College Office of Enrollment / Admissions

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

VA Benefits @ UC

Before getting into the details on this topic, I first want to extend a heart-felt ‘thank you’ to our US military veterans and active duty members for your service.

So, you want to know how to get your VA benefits at UC? It isn’t a hard process, but it will take some time. Here are the key items to know:

(you must apply into a degree program*. certificates or the police academy outside of the criminal justice degree program are not covered by the VA)

2. Forward all high school and college transcripts to UC. Different branches of the military have college transcripts that you will need to request:
a. AARTS (Army, Army National Guard or Army Reserve:
b. SMART (Navy & Marines:
c. CCAF (Community College of the Air Force:
d. USCG ( Coast Guard:

3. Receive your UC ‘acceptance letter’ and return the ‘confirmation form’ with $50 fee to UC Clermont Student Services 100 or online at:

4. Only after you have confirmed your admission to UC you must call 513.556.6811, the VA Office @ UC. They will ask you questions, mail out a packet (expect delivery in 3-5 weeks), and set up a face-to-face meeting at their office on UC’s ‘uptown campus’. ** At UC Clermont’s Student Services 100, please request a map and free parking pass before you go to your meeting.

5. Take UC’s Placement Test if you haven’t already completed either/both college-level English and math. Set up your test at:

6. Receive your invitation to Orientation. Follow the provided web link to schedule your orientation session or call 513.732.5319.

7. Attend Orientation and sign up for classes.
Establishing your VA Benefits and the Post 9/11 GI Bill will take some time, so please remain patient, knowing that we will process your paperwork as quickly as possible.

I also suggest that you work with our local VA Office to discuss FAQs and learn more about your package:

During each term you attend UC, the UC VA Office will send you a document that you’ll need to bring to UC Clermont Student Services 100. No appointment is necessary, just drop in. I’ll either sign off on the form while you’re here or you can leave at the main desk so it can be completed the next day. In either case, I’ll place a copy in your student file and return the original to the UC VA Office via our inter-office system.

I’ve been pleased to help with this process for over a year now, and will soon be replaced by a new part-time VA processing representative on our campus because the number of students requiring these services has increased beyond what I can handle in addition to my regular job duties. If you have questions, please let me know, as I’ll still be glad to help or to direct you to the proper person.

Best regards,

Monday, January 04, 2010

Transferring to UC Clermont

Here is the road map, aka checklist, for those interested in transferring to UC from another college:

1. Apply to UC

2a. Send your official transcripts from high school (or GED) and any/all past and/or present school(s). Please note the 60/90 rule: - those with a college degree or at least 60 semester hours or 90 quarter hours only need to submit college transcripts. High school or GED transcripts are not needed in these cases.

2b. Please know that classes 'in progress' at another college/university will slow down your application process. Why? Because we will hold your application until all transcripts arrive showing all of your grades. So you won't receive your UC 'acceptance 'letter' until we get your final (all classes completed) transcripts. Does this matter? You can't receive financial aid at 2 different schools at the same time, so until we receive all transcripts you won't be accepted. Once you are accepted to UC, you need to return the 'confirmation form' with the $50 fee to complete this process, and only then will your financial aid be available at UC.

3. Moving your financial aid is a simple process. Go to and click under #3 to 'add a school code'. Once you log in, add '003125', click on 'next', select 'with parents' or 'off campus' (whichever is correct) and click on 'next', finally click on 'submit' and UC's Financial Aid office will be notified. It takes about 1 week from this point before you'll be able to see what $$$ will be offered to you at UC.

4. Get 'acceptance letter' in mail. Return 'confirmation form' or do it online at There is a $50 fee, as mentioned above in 2b. that will need to be paid IF you will attend full-time. Otherwise, just return the form.

5. Visit and click on 'check my aid' under 'my financial aid' to see if loans and/or grants are being offered to you. You'll need to 'accept' what you want to get the $$$. If it is a grant, just click on 'accept' and 'submit' and you're done. If you want a loan, enter the amount you want to accept (a maximum will be given and you can take any amount up to the max) and then click on 'submit'. Follow the prompts through 1. 'loan counseling' and 2. 'signing your loan note' to get the $$$. If you accept a loan but do not complete the process, you will get $0. Really. Need help or confused by the options? Stop by Student Services 100 and we'll be glad to help.

6. Attend Orientation to sign up for classes. You'll receive an invitation in the mail or can call 513.732.5319 if the next term is about the begin. We understand that you know what you're doing (to a point), but we require orientation so that you'll be aware of all UC services and eTools that every student will be required to use. You'll also meet an academic advisor, who will make sure you're taking the right class(es).

7. Check your bill online at before the term begins to make sure your financial aid has been applied properly and to verify that you have no balance due. Your bill is due by Day 1 of each term at UC. Late fees are $200, so make it a point to check this before each term begins.

8. Attend classes & get your degree!

Enjoy your time at UC.

Best regards,

Happy New Year - Happy New Quarter!

Welcome to 2010! Today marks the beginning of UC's Winter Quarter, so let the classes begin! After hearing many questions concerning 'certificates', 'applications', 'confirmation fees', and 'transcripts', I thought this would be a good time to shed some light on the sometimes confusing world of admissions.

- Transcripts must be 'official'. That means they need to arrive at UC Clermont in a sealed envelope from the admissions office, registration office, or guidance office of your high school and/or other college. Copies, faxes, online print-outs, and those written in crayon are not acceptable. A copy of your diploma is not acceptable ... sorry. BTW - GED transcripts can be faxed or copied to us. We don't need or want the diploma, just the scores showing you 'passed'.

- 60/90 rule: those with a college degree or at least 60 semester hours or 90 quarter hours only need to submit college transcripts when they apply to a degree program at UC. High school or GED transcripts are not needed in these cases.

- Some Certificates are not covered by financial aid, so the applicant may want to apply for a degree to receive aid but only take classes required in the certificate = use the system to their advantage, if $$$ is needed. I'm not saying to do this, but it is a fairly common practice.

- UC Clermont does not require any transcripts from those applying for a Certificate with the exception being in Paralegal. The Paralegal Certificate is 'post-baccalaureate, meaning you have to already have a bachelor's degree to enter this program. All others, just fill out the application.

- A 'Confirmation Form' will be sent out with your acceptance letter after you apply to UC Clermont. You must return this form, no matter what degree or certificate you are pursuing and it doesn't matter whether you'll attend UC part-time of full-time. There is a $50 matriculation fee required with the Confirmation Form when the student will attend UC full-time. So part-time folks only need to return the form ... no cash needed. BTW - don't think you can state you'll be part-time to avoid this fee and then register as a full-time student. We will find you and we will add the $50 to your bill. The big change here is that we once could 'waive' this fee and allow your financial aid to pay it. Those days are gone now. Don't have the $? Sign up for part-time. Trying to get Financial Aid? You must be a 'confirmed student' in order to receive Financial Aid.

Got a question? Let me know and I'll address here.

Cheers for the new year!

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